The Erasmus + program operates on the basis of an annual call for proposals published by the European Commission. These calls define the framework and priorities for funding projects.
What is a call for proposals?
Calls for proposals are published on a fixed date each year on the Official Journal of the European Union and relayed on the websites of the Erasmus + national agencies. Organizations wishing to apply for Erasmus + funding can only do so in response to the European Commission’s calls for proposals. Specific folders , published for each call, include the required documents to prepare an application.
Application deadlines must be respected.
Call for proposals 2024
VYou can visit it on the European Commission website.
Program Guide
The program guide is available on the European Commission website.
To find out more
Find details of other calls for proposals on Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency website.
Discover the webinars “Ready for Erasmus + !”
Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation helps you discover the new Erasmus + program “Ready for Erasmus + !”, a series of webinars and questions/ answers.
Call for applications from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie is a global association of French-speaking higher education and research institutions created 60 years ago. It brings together 1007 universities on five continents in 119 countries. It is also the higher education and research operator of the Francophonie Summit.
The AUF promotes a French-Speaking university community committed to the economic, social and cultural development of societies.
It operates in ten regions of the world including Asia-Pacific.
Find out about the call for applications here